

Just read this.....

To realize the value of one YEAR,
ask a student who sit in removed class.
To realize the value of one MONTH,
ask a woman who had just given birth to her child prematurely.
To realize the value of one DAY,
ask a construction worker who have to feed his ten young children.
To realize the value of one HOUR,
ask a person who is waiting for his/her lover.
To realize the value of one MINUTE,
ask a employee who had just missed his/her train.
To realize the value of one SECOND,
ask a person who had just survived in a fatal accident.
To realize the value of one MILLISECOND,
ask a sprinter who won a silver medal in an Olympic Game.

Guys,appreciate every time we have cause time is precious.Once it is wasted,it cant be regain back.Therefore,use your time wisely and you will have a meaningful life.:)

4 条评论:

wanxiang 说...


U.N.K.N.O.W.N 说...

wakaka..of course.told u so,we FREAKS rocks!

renaye 说...

very true. time is precious but many of us don't appreciate.

U.N.K.N.O.W.N 说...

this I must agree.Even though we kn ow the importance of time,we just don't seem to appreciate it.